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American Correctional Association 

The Appalachian Student Chapter of the American Correctional Association (ASCACA) is a student branch of the American Correctional Association (ACA) which is an organization founded in 1870 that deals with issues within the Correctional aspect of the Criminal Justice System. The ACA offers professional training and accreditation to prisons and jails as well as the correctional staff that operate such facilities both within the United States and Internationally.

Our student chapter (ASCACA) focuses on issues within the Criminal Justice System as a whole and helps educate our members and the public on how the Criminal Justice System works and how we can help make it better. Many of our members our Criminal Justice Majors but we are open to students of all levels and majors as long as you are currently enrolled in an accredited university. The ASCACA was founded in 2003 and is one of the first student chapters officially recognized by the ACA and we are the primary Criminal Justice Organization on campus at Appalachian State University.

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