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BANGS Shoes is looking for ONE winner to design an awesome promotional BANGS shirt.

Submit your designs by March 27, 2013 to for a chance to have your submission chosen! Winner will receive 50% off a pair of BANGS and the chance to have your design printed on BANGS promotional shirts.

We’re looking for someone both talented in design and hilariously witty to sculpt the
perfect promotional shirt. Your submission should have 1) a cool visual design and

2) a clever catch phrase to capture everyone’s attention and make them smile.

Shirt guidelines:
- Design should have 1-3 colors maximum
- All designs will be printed on a solid white or grey shirt
- Must have the BANGS logo
o e-mail for file
- All submissions should have layout for printing on both the front and back of a shirt
- Needs sweet design and catch phrase
o Design: not necessarily intricate graphics on front and back (i.e.: could have
only words on one side)
o Catch phrase: we’re looking for something edgy/awesome that has “BANGS”
or “stand on issues” in it (we’re going for funny, not offensive…)

We also recognize you as the designer in this situation so do your thing.

Check out for more info on who you’re representing!!

When emailing your design, please include your:
1. Name
2. Age
3. Major
4. Phone number
5. Description (optional)


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